Monday, October 08, 2007

Vonage is shockingly obtuse to deal with. I'm liveblogging right now on a now 23 minute call trying to disconnect service. Actually, "Veronica" has put me on hold for the last 10 minutes just to see if I'll hang up and thus not completing the cancellation. Really scummy, if you ask me. They are without a doubt, the most dishonest company I've ever used. More details on my 2 year oddesey to follow.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What the Luck?

Today, I am concerned with luck. Well, because it is the ultimate over-simplification of a complex phenomenon. I lack the brain power to abstractly visualize the nodal points of my social network and calculate the probability matrices to intelligently plan out how I spend my day. Today, I found out about this guy... Scott Ginsburg who wears a name tag all the time...

There's always a lot of talk about luck on my favorite sports blog, Athletics Nation. I've even chimed in about the Chinese Proverb, I've always remembered, that "Luck is where opportunity and preparation converge"